TIK, projekty, tablety w nauczaniu angielskiego.

poniedziałek, 18 lipca 2016



Past tenses: expressions- LearningApss

Past tenses: expressions

Holiday- Peppa video- LearningApps

Holiday with Peppa
That's the proposition for teaching young learners. It's easy to make such an exercise on LearningApss, which I really love.
You just choose a video of your choice on YouTube, watch it, make up the questions you'd like to ask your young learners, write down the times the questions should appear during watching the video.
When you are on https://learningapps.org , just choose:
Create App
Audio/video with notices

Three examples will appear. Then choose:
Create new App (it's on the right).
Give your App the title.
Write the task description (e.g. Answer the questions).
Select a video by copying and inserting URL for example. If the video is too long and you want a shorter version, you can type the time of your choice by writing the beginning and ending).
Then write the Time to display (e.g. 0.13)- your first question will appear here.
In a section"Notice" write your question.
When you want to add other questions, just click:"Add another element" and so on.

Then click on "Finish editing and show preview". When you notice a mistake, just correct it and save your App. It will be in your file "My Apps" on the right. You can edit it whenever you want. You can find there a link to your App, which can be sent to your colleagues if you want.
Your App can be either private or public- it depends on you.
Enjoy doing your own Apps :-)

If you don't feel like doing your own Apps, you can browse all the applications in different categories and use the Apps of other teachers (but remember that people make mistakes and not all the Apps are perfect). However, you can copy the weblink and click on "Bookmark in My Apps".

Modal verbs- LearningApps

Modal verbs

Quiz wiedzy o Wielkiej Brytanii- LearningApps

Quiz wiedzy o Wielkiej Brytanii

wtorek, 12 lipca 2016

Movies with a wink :-) Kahoot quiz

Movies with a wink :-)

Parts of the body- quizlet

Parts of the body

The weather (pary) na LearningApps

The weather

Reakcje językowe na LearningApps

reakcje językowe

Sports na LearningApps

Sports- water & land sports

Weather phenomenon- Kahoot

Weather phenomenon kahoot.

środa, 6 lipca 2016

Jobs. Character adjectives- Quizlet :-)

Dziś zamieszczam wykonane własnoręcznie 2 quizy do nauki słówek. W nauce pomocne będą zamieszczone obrazki.

Możesz uczyć się za pomocą:
- fiszek (flashcards),
- wpisywania wyrazów (learn),
- wpisywania wyrazów po ich usłyszenia (speller),
- testu wielokrotnego wyboru, prawda/fałsz (test),
- przeciągania obrazków i wyrazów, łącząc je w pary aż znikną (scatter)
- super gry Gravity, chroniąc planetę przed nadchodzącymi asteroidami.

Jobs        Character adjectives